Thursday, February 3, 2011

Keeping Current...

Happy New Year (we're only a month in!)

Hello from lovely Colorado! Thank you so much to all of you who want to know what is happening with me! I really want this blog to be a way for you to stay in touch and for me to be able to share what God is doing in my life and others and through the ministry at Eagle Lake. I also want to be able to share stories, pictures and prayer requests as God works day by day!
So what I am I doing right now...
Currently I am “support raising” so that I can work full-time at Eagle Lake Camp! This is the camp I've worked at for the last two summers and will be at for at least the next two summers (through the summer of 2012). You might wonder what I mean by “support raising.” More eloquently put, this part of my ministry is called “ministry partner development” (sounds much more sophisticated!). This very accurately describes what I have been doing since last September and will continue to do until May. Simply put, I am contacting friends and family and inviting them to partner with me in ministry through prayer and financial support. The work I will be doing at Eagle Lake is part of my ministry, but so is what I am currently doing. God has given me the wonderful opportunity to invite people into my ministry and impact the next generation through their support. God has truly blessed me through this time by letting me share with others about what He is doing in the world and how He is working and will work at Eagle Lake. Hopefully this brief synopsis helps some of you understand what I am doing right now. My goal is to be at 100% of my funding goal by May!
What else?
I am presently living in Denver, Colorado. Besides ministry partner development, I have been substitute teaching for the local school district. This has been a huge blessing! Not only has God provided for me financially right now through subbing, but I have been able to continue to minister to and interact with children (the people the Lord has given me a passion for!). Although most students I only see once, God has challenged me to see each day of subbing as an opportunity to serve others to the best of my abilities. When I first started subbing it was easy for me to complain about hard days and feel like I wasn't making any impact in the schools. One day last month God challenged me with several verses in Philippians:
“But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.” -Philippians 3:7-8
I began to see subbing as a wonderful chance to give myself fully to those children, even for one day. God challenged me to see it as a place to give myself away in service and not expect anything in return. So I continue to work and serve with what the Lord gives me!
I will try to stay current with sharing what is happening and how you can be lifting me up in prayer! Once again, thank you for your support! If you would like to talk to me anymore about anything please shoot me an e-mail:
Also, please, please let me know how I can be praying for you!


  1. Hi Kelsey! I like your blog! Nice first post. I especially like your picture :) It looks like Sandy enjoyed New Years celebrations with you!

  2. Thanks Ashley! We did have a good time!

  3. Like the blog and FB site. Great NY Eve pic also. Wishing you well.
